When buying a car in Timor Leste, watch the radiator. It is located at the front of the engine. The coolant is pumped through pipes to reach the running engine, where it is reheated. If the radiator does not work properly, the engine will overheat and problems may begin.

Check a leak when selling a car in Timor Leste

You should know if a leak appears when selling a car in Timor Leste. Under the stationary car, a puddle of green, yellow or orange coolant betrays a leak. The temperature gauge may also indicate engine overheating. In case of vapor, one has either a tiny leak or a split weld.

When the leak is not detectable, wash the radiator and hoses with water, turn on the engine, and observe to find the leak.

Dig up thoroughly

Observe things like:

You can use a circuit pressure tester to test the radiator and the cap for leaks.

Some quick fixes

In case of a small leak, buy a radiator sealant: in liquid or powder form, it is poured into the radiator when the coolant is still cool, but with the engine running. This product penetrates nooks and crannies and clogs leaks by creating a semi-permanent seal.

Another possibility is cold resin. Drain the radiator and apply the resin when everything is dry. If the leak is in one of the pipes, you can also use laminated tape.