
Before importing a vehicle into Timor-Leste, following the proper channels and regulations is crucial. This guide offers insights into the process, emphasising the importance of verifying information with relevant authorities.

Verification and Consultation

We strongly recommend checking with your embassy, a clearing agent in East Timor, or the local authorities to ensure the most up-to-date information on rules and regulations. The details provided here are for guidance purposes only and should not be considered as rigid rules.

General Import Procedures

In general, no prior approval is needed to import goods into Timor-Leste. However, importers must be registered with tax authorities and the State Registry Office. The exception lies in goods deemed prohibited or restricted by ministries for health or safety reasons, requiring specific import permissions. Importers of health or safety products are advised to consult with the relevant ministries. All imported goods must be reported to the Customs office.

Import Licensing for Special Cases

An import license issued by the Directorate of Quarantine Services is mandatory for machinery, equipment, and used vehicles. For items subject to import licensing, import requests and approved application forms must be submitted to the Directorate of Quarantine Services. The issued import license should outline the specific import conditions relevant to the case.

Quantity Restrictions

Unlike some countries, Timor-Leste does not impose quantity restrictions on imports. This liberal approach allows for a more flexible import environment, accommodating various needs.

Thorough Cleaning of Used Machinery

For used machinery, a stringent cleanliness requirement is in place. The imported machinery must be thoroughly cleaned and free from all quarantine risk materials. This includes live insects, seeds, soil, mud, clay, animal material, plant material, and any other debris that could pose a quarantine risk.

Reporting to Customs

Irrespective of the nature of the imported goods, all items must be reported to the Customs office. This step ensures transparency and compliance with Timor-Leste's import procedures.